KRIPA BENEVOLENT TRUST organizes small program to generate awareness on disability and gender bias.
Disability: An individual's disability can play a major role in his/her life: whether it is positive or negative. But overcoming the challenges and developing confidence is vital and admirable. As a society, it is our utmost duty to allow people with disabilities to experience a life they deserve. We are all different but very much alike at the same time.
Our Volunteers visit villages of West Bengal. They identify person with disability and organise meeting with villagers to make them aware that differently abled person are as important citizen as any normal person. WE try to make easier for the people with disabilities and the society to develop empathy for one another. Disability awareness helps in subsiding the stereotypical mindset of the society, hence providing vast opportunities for everyone to get involved in creating a positive, inclusive society for all.
We also organize workshop for the professional, teacher, special educators, and parents on different topic related to Disability, Legal and Constitutional Rights for Persons with Disabilities etc. Eminent Lecturer from the concerned fields are invited to deliver their lecture.
- Kripa Benevolent Trust organizing at an interval Awareness campaigns “KNOW YOUR BODY”-for the adolescent girls and women.
In most cases we found that women give priority to attain family core and neglects their health.
Through this program our main objective is to raise awareness among the adolescent girls and women regarding various gynecological problems and to provide insight into managing their health better.
We all believe “Healthy Women Healthy Family.